Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Christian Terrorism

In today's society, the word "terrorist" has certain connotations. Most of us, thanks to a biased media's propaganda, an unjust war and increasing immigration problems, now think of bearded Muslim extremists in caves plotting the destruction of Western capitalism through senseless violence, subsequently spreading their backwards religion across the globe. There is, however, an overlooked group of terrorists, whose equally archaic and dangerous religion has already reigned supreme across the globe for hundreds of years, and has been holding our society back right from under our collective noses. This festering religion is Christianity. Spread by the sword, Christianity and its inevitable fundamentalist extremists have bombed and murdered their way well into the 21st century. I find it painful to witness people lampoon Islam and criticise Muslim immigrants for being solely responsible for spreading hatred and intolerance in our society, consequently diluting our culture, whilst there has been an ideology just as evil festering within our culture this whole time.
Some may consider my words a little harsh, so I took the liberty to add up all the major attempted and successful Islamic terrorist attacks from 1989 until 2008: 144. This number includes all murders, suicide bombings and hijackings, amongst many others, across the globe. What interests me, is when you compare this number to the number of Christian terrorist attacks, and their comparative prominence in the media. Take a look at the following chart:

This chart shows the numbers of Christian terrorist attacks on abortion clinics alone, in the United States. In the exact same time period, the number of violent attacks accumulates into the thousands. Isn't it strange how our society feels the need to address the "problem of Islam" before addressing the more dangerous "problem of Christianity"? You'd think that since one of these two evils is already so deeply rooted into Western society it poses a much larger threat to our freedom. Consider the Christian preclusion of some of the most basic human rights throughout history, and how progression of those basic rights was hindered by groups such as these Christian terrorists. It's ironic that, in our society, Christians have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the level of tolerance and compassion that they claim to hold such a monopoly on.

I know not all Christians want to blow up an abortion clinic, just like not all Muslims want to blow up an aeroplane. I just believe the injustice of the media focusing on Muslim terrorists is a ridiculous farce, especially whilst our entire Western culture is so much at the mercy of the evil that is Christianity that it becomes unacceptable for anybody in the media to speak ill of the religion. Of course, because we all think religion deserves undue respect, for some reason.



Anonymous said...

RIN, you do good work. However, I would like to see the number of deaths for each compared. Phone calls and pickets just don't stack up very well against planes flying into buildings killing thousands or rallies that incite arson, stabbings, and killings because of cartoons.

Both religions are utterly abhorrent to me but one, I believe, is much more violent in this day and age than the other.

A.W. said...

The point isn't that one is worse than the other, necessarily. Just that religion itself spawns dangerous fanaticism, not just any one particular religion. Seems Western society forgets that all too easily, and is eager to have someone to point the finger at.