Saturday, 24 May 2008

"I looked up my family tree and traced it back over 200 years..."

"...and could not find anyone who ever had fins or scales."


Ash Tha God said...

Only a redneck idiot from Tennessee could actually have the audacity to openly exhibit such a deficient, infantile understanding of evolution. People who have the courage to say such imbecilic things in public should not be shown any respect in public discourse. He should be openly mocked and ridiculed by all reasonable people.

Anonymous said...

This guy needs to be hunted down and slapped with a wet fish.

Unknown said...

That really was retarded. I feel a little dumber now from listening to an uneducated prick.

Unknown said...

That was completely hysterical.
200 years! AND NO FISH!

I'm not a physicist, SO if I was to comment on ANYTHING in that field, I'd damn sure better research it first, before I commented on it.

I TRULY doubt ANY BOOK EVER talks about a tomato turning into anything else in the matter of a human lifetime.

That guy is nuts.